Psi Warrior Training for Immortality :

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For the Great Mother, Mother of the Vine.

Khecari Mudra Vidya. Advanced  western Technique.


Variant spellings include Khechari Mudra, Kecharimudra,[5] and Kechari Mudra.[6] Mudrā (Sanskrit, मुद्रा, literally “seal”), when used in yoga, is a position that is designed to awaken spiritual energies in the body.[7]

Psi Warrior Training  Agni  Technique

Reaching for the Nectar (Amrita ).

Kriyā (in Sanskrit “action, deed, effort”)

In 1974 I was instructed in a Ashram Temple  in London Britain.

In 1976 I took up Japanese martial arts and later in the mid 80’s ,

I pursued  Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism  Nam my ho renge kyo.

This practise  requires repetitive chanting in Japanese words from a prayer book, during a chanting session I suddenly remembered the Teaching from the Ashram, and from that day on I  have been searching, learning and refining the process.


Agni is a gift of the gods that every human can access, the envoy, the method, who born in the human aspirant, awakens the gods, burns the demons.

Agni, the youthful of the house who has the flame-tongue for their mouth, is invoked (kindled) by Agni who is the destroyer of afflictions, the purifier possessing the power that fills and fulfils.

The Buddhist Pali canon  29-17 B.C.E contains three passages in which the Buddha describes pressing the tongue against the palate,  for the purposes of controlling hunger, or the mind.

(Vitakkasanthana Sutta),  There is no mention of the tongue being inserted into the  Nasopharynx.

Agni Vidyā or the science of Fire is said to be the greatest discovery of the ancient Hindu who gained direct experience of divine fire through continuous research, contemplation, observation and experimentation; their experience led them to discover ways of using this knowledge to heal and nurture the outer and the inner worlds.

The Sanskrit word, Vidya, figures prominently in all texts pertaining to Indian philosophy –  science, learning, knowledge and scholarship; most importantly, it refers to valid knowledge which cannot be contradicted and true knowledge which is the knowledge of the Self intuitively gained. (Wikipedia)

Amrita (amṛta) is a Sanskrit word that literally means “immortality” and is often referred to in texts as Nectar or Soma a  Proto-Indo-Iranian *sauma-, was a sweet Vedic Ritual drink.

In Hinduism Agni is the ‘Mystic Fire’, adored by the ancient and the present seers, to whom obeisance is carried by thought.

Pure adherents to the ancient technique of  Khecari or  KhecariVidyawill not need to have the Lingual Frenulum cut.
The Lingual frenulum is an important muscle of the mouth useful for speech, singing and Meditation.

Exercising the Soft Palate

Remember to breathe evenly nose to mouth throughout the exercise. 
Keeping the tip of the tongue in contact with the very beginning of  the Soft Palate.
Push up with your tongue  lifting the soft palate (the back of the roof of your mouth) and Uvula

Repeat 10 times daily. This exercise will strengthen the muscles that later, will facilitate mobility.

My article is that,
Access to the pineal gland can be gained from direct manipulation of the soft Palate. 

In order to activate the Agni Fire without surgery,    you will first have to master some new techniques.

And to do that you will have to gain control of Palatine Uvula. Or Little Tongue as it is referred to in the Veda’s.


Throughout the performance of  the technique of  Khechari Mudra, the  divine life-current draws the prana from the senses into the lower spine “Kundalini ” and it is drawn up through the spine to the head through all the chakras to the crown of your head, The Veda recommends directing the energy to the Sun
— [18]

I refer to this as The “coiled snake”

Techniques I have perfected without straining or surgery.

To be attempted at least once  in a 3 month cycle of palate exercising.

First whilst seated, lean forward until head is over your knees, tilt your head to the point before your chin rests on your chest. At this point your upper palate may droop slightly. (this will be more pronounced after considerable soft palate exercise.)

Now whilst fighting gravity withdraw your tongue without bending it to the back of your mouth and lifting the tip as high and onto the upper palate to act as an anchor.

You should now feel, on the upper middle part of your tongue, the upper rear part of your palate, close to the upper opening of your nasal cavity.  You may not feel it, but the uvula is now resting on your tongue.

Now whilst holding your tongue rigid push slowly forward, and up, using the middle part of your tongue, arc your tongue like a “striking cobra”  to catch the uvula, as you move forward it flips over.

At this point the 1st stage of the Nectar cycle may begin,

  • You may experience a warming effect throughout your whole body.
  • The centre of both palms may start to pulsate.
  • You may start to feel light headed,

Remember to sit down Breathe slow and even, calmly Focus your intent on the beautiful forces that you have awoken and enjoy that moment however long it lasts.

Khecarī Mudrā (Sanskrit, खेचरी मुद्रा)[1][2] “is a yoga practice which is carried out by placing the tongue above and rear of  the soft palate and into the nasal cavity.
Paramahansa Yogananda employed it as a part of Kriya Yoga practice.

In the beginning stages and applicable for most practitioners, the tip of the tongue touches the soft palate as far back as possible without straining[3] or placed in contact with the uvula which hangs down at the back of the mouth [4

Variant spellings include Khechari Mudra, Kecharimudra,[5] and Kechari Mudra .[6] Mudrā (Sanskrit, मुद्रा, literally “seal”), when used in yoga, is a position that is designed to awaken spiritual energies in the body.” [7]  [16][17] Yogananda stated that:

Peace unto you who, have chosen the path of the Agni warrior!

Thoughts Processes Emotions Causality and The SpiritBody

Thoughts Processes and Emotions

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cause and effect.

You are walking on a busy street and coincidently somebody asks you for something, and you oblige, it could be assistance, directions or simply the time, lets focus on the positive here.  When we do something good for others, like giving them something they want, We more often than not receive a positive signal .We feel Good!

What generates that feeling?

A Coincidence  is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances which have no apparent causal connection with each other.

In order to understand we must quantify the mechanisms.

In my view and science itself.   Emotions are part of the Physical realm.  
They have substance, and are of an electrical nature.

They either leave the body or are projected and or retracted at will. New sensing technology.

Science ascertains, and I agree with them that a Humans spirit body or ‘soul’ is an invisible physical object that emanates from the body and is attached but not exclusively to the cerebral cortex and neural network. It is also of an electrical nature

See this article here:
Understanding Brain, Mind and Soul: Contributions from Neurology and Neurosurgery

The search for the location of the human soul probably dates back to the awareness of such an entity. Termed atman by ancient Indian philosophers, psyche by the Greek and anima by the Romans, it has been considered resident within, but distinct from the human body. Many consider it immortal, postulating death to be the consequence of the departure of the soul from the body.

In scientific research we have found that the aura is an electromagnetic field of energy that extends all around our body for about 4-5feet  (in a average healthy body) – more info here

Emotions are also of an electrical nature.
iEEG provides a unique opportunity for studying the temporal dynamics of cognitive and emotional processes. PDF here (ScienceDirect)


Thoughts – Processes – Actions – Goal

As we live our lives we make decisions based on what our needs or goals are.
The process of doing anything begins with an emotion, idea or thought process. 

For example;
When we are about to cross a busy road, (goal)  our mind’s starts receiving streams of Logistical data from our brain. (cognitive thoughts)  which is working out ;

Distance, speed of vehicles, road conditions, your path of least resistance,  the time it would take, to safely cross the road.  This is an automatic function. (unless you are mentally preoccupied, like children often are.) 

When the sum is complete , all data has been added subtracted and divided. The positive or good feeling we receive is, “its OK to cross now”. We feel positive (process)  We then cross the road  (Action). 

Lets look again at the order of events in the immediate time-line. 
Aspiration or goal  (To cross the road)
Thoughts  (working out how to safely cross = the sum ) 
Process   (we receive an emotion as the completion signal from the data processing Brain, we receive a  positive  signal) 
Action (We crossed the road and complete our goal).

We  recognise that ‘Emotions’  are being used as Completion signals, for any cognitive reasoning process. And so.

Positive ones = completion of sum within acceptable parameters or favoured outcome. we feel safe and are happy to cross the road

Negative ones = incomplete or uncertain outcome.  Traffic is too fast Fear uncertainty We do not cross the road,  we find a safer place to cross.

So having ascertained that ‘feelings’ are part of the brain reasoning feedback process, we now move on to what happens ,’ possible consequences’ when we ignore these ‘signals’. 

Somehow our faculties are able to sense way beyond our physical bodies, I believe it is one of the Spirit Body’s abilities, to be used as a sensory channel.  

Accepting or rejecting signals of  internal process has its own consequences.

We were invited to a party, we had a choice, for whatever reason we  ignored the subtle negative signal,  and so we went, it was a mistake, but we maybe learnt something from it.

We were invited to a party, we had a choice, for whatever reason we  ignored the subtle negative signal,  and so we went, it was amazing best night ever  And I learnt something from it.

We tend to ignore mainly the negative feedback signal, in so far as,  we perceive ‘fear as’, ‘ being afraid of something’, which in effect is a learning process,  so in order to ‘learn’ we must overcome fear of some things.  At least until we have reached some  understanding of what we are actually capable of,  physically mentally or emotionally , and interaction with others and the world.
On the other hand,  ignoring the positive feedback signal i.e. someone pays you a compliment, or gives you something, or says they love you, you wanted to give a compliment but felt shy,  may generate  a negative response from your own processes,’ depending again on your own life choices, aspirations, goals, view of self or life experience. 

If our Emotions are a physical and of an electrical nature, and the world around us consists of atoms held together by  Electro-Magnetic forces then therein lies the Karmic network. Our emotions and senses have access to the plane of existence that we all occupy.